How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube!

Learn how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube by following these easy steps.

Rubik's cube solution

there are tons of methods on how to solve the Rubik's cube, with some being more difficult than others. In this guide we will go through a method for complete newcomers, which is quite easy to learn and understand. It is a common misconception that you have to be a genius to solve a Rubik's cube, as anyone can learn it as long as they put in the required amount of focus and concentrated training.

Once you've read this guide and trained a little on your own to memorize all of the different algorithms, you'll be able to solve the cube at any point, no matter how it's been turned and scrmbled! Lots of people believe that you need to be a genius to lean how to solve the cube, but it isn't actually too difficult to learn. All it takes is some memory training and patience to learn all of the steps. Once you've put in the time, you'll know exactly how to solve the 3x3 Rubik's cue. Are you ready to learn? Then you've come to the right place ;-)

Let's begin!

In this guide we will go through the 2 most popular beginner methods, which have been reduced to a few comprehensive steps to make it nice and easy for you to learn.

The first guide consists of 6 videos, which you can follow along step for step. It is easy to get all the way through following the guide, as you are able to pause and rewind the video as much, as you like. The second guide is text based, and we'll walk you through each step with written notations for the moves, as well as pictures to illustrate what to do. After you have finished the guide as well as trained for a bit, you will be able to solve the 3x3 Rubik's cube no matter how it is scrambled or rotated!



 Guide 1 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




Know your cube

In the first video, you will learn all of the basic knowledge and terms, which you will need later on in the guide. It is important to understand how the cube works as well as the names of the rotations, as the algorithms will otherwise be very difficult to remember. Feel free to watch the video a couple of times so that you are sure that you understand everything.




The white cross

Understand everything? Great! Now that you know your cube, you can start solving it. In the video below, you will learn to make a white cross on the face with the white center. This is the first step when solving the cube. The white cross will teach you to place the white edges around the white centerbit and together they will form a white cross/plus. There are tons of ways to do this step. Try it yourself a couple of times after watching the video so that you are ready for the next step.




The white corners

Now you've reached the third step, where you will finish the white face completely by solving the corners. If done correctly, your cube will have a completed white side like the one in the video. This step will teach you your first basic algorithm, but don't worry, as this one isn't too hard to remember.




The mid layer

You've now solved 1/3 of the cube. Well done! Now you are ready for step 4. In step 4 you will learn to solve the mid layer of the cube by placing the rest of the edges (except the yellow ones) correctly. During this step you will be taught 2 different algorithms consisting of 8 rotations each, so make sure that you stay focused. You might need to train these algorithms a bit, before you're able to remember them.




The yellow face

Now you're getting close to solving the amazing Rubik's cube. In this step you will learn to solve the yellow face without disturbing the already completed layers. You will learn a couple of special algorithms, which make the last part of the solution possible. This step is split into 2 different steps. First you will learn to make the yellow cross like when you learned to make the white one and after that, you will complete the yellow face.




Finishing the cube

Now you've reached the final step in completing the 3x3 Rubik's cube. Like step 5 this step is split into 2 smaller steps. Both steps are about placing the final edges and corners correctly. If you do everything correctly, you will have a completely solved Rubik's cube, but if you mess up, you risk that your entire cube gets completely scrambled, and you will have to start over. Stay focused during the final stretch! You can do it!




You made it through and have now solved the Rubik's cube! Hopefully it wasn't a fun learning experience. Now you can start practicing the algorithms, and thus learn to solve the 3x3 Rubik's cube without our guide. When you've learned to solve the cube on your own, you can start timing yourself and battle either your friends or the clock. Improving your speed requires focused training, but if you've come this far, we're confident in your abilities to become a speedcubing master!


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 Guide 2 

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Solve the Rubik's cube in eight steps

Below you will find our complete beginner-friendly text guide for solving the cube. The guide is easy to learn and simplified with short and precise explanations accompanied by images, making it easy to learn the different steps without much reading. Enjoy!

When attempting a Rubik's Cube, there are some basic things you should know. This includes fundamental information such as the cube's structure, the names of the sides, and understanding how to read an algorithm. An algorithm is a series of rotations performed on the cube to solve a specific situation. An algorithm often consists of 4-9 moves.

The cube consists of three different types of pieces, namely "center pieces, edge pieces, and corner pieces."

Center Pieces

One thing to note about center pieces is that they can NEVER be twisted. The color of the center piece determines the unique color of the side when the cube is solved. For example, if you want to solve the white side, you need to start with the side that has a white center piece.

Edge Pieces
Edge pieces consist of two colors. 

Corner Pieces

Corner pieces consist of three colors.



This guide will show you a series of algorithms. It is these algorithms that make it possible to solve the cube. To understand how to use the algorithms, the cube has been assigned different rotations, allowing algorithms to be described using letters.

Here is an overview of the terms used in this guide:

R = Right side clockwise

R' = Right side counterclockwise

L = Left side clockwise

L' = Left side counterclockwise

U = Top layer clockwise

U' = Top layer counterclockwise

F = Front clockwise

F' = Front counterclockwise

D = Bottom layer clockwise

D' = Bottom layer counterclockwise

You don't need to memorize these terms for now. We have illustrated all the algorithms described in the guide. See below.

R-pngL.png Ri.png
L.png Li.png
U.png Ui.png
F.png Fi.png
D.png Di.png



Surround the yellow center piece with four white edge pieces.

In the first step of the Rubik's Cube solution, we need to create a flower on the side with the yellow center piece. The goal is to move the 4 white edge pieces up so that they surround the yellow center piece on the top of the Rubik's Cube, as shown in the image above.

The first three edge pieces should be relatively easy to bring up to the top. It's about experimenting on your own. I'm sure you can do it!

The last edge piece can be a bit more challenging. Below, we describe three problems that may arise. Remember that this is just a suggestion to solve the situations. The first step in this guide can be solved in many ways, as there is plenty of room to rotate the edge pieces around in the initial steps.

Solution: R-pngL.png

Solution: Ui.png   R-pngL.png

Solution: F.png   Ui.png   R-pngL.png



Create a white cross on the top of the cube

In step 2, you need to create a white cross, as shown in the image above. To form a white cross, the four white edge pieces need to be positioned around the white center piece.

To create a white cross, rotate the top of the cube until the center piece aligns with the edge piece, meaning two matching pieces are adjacent to each other. Then, rotate this side 180 degrees.

Solution: R-pngL.png   R-pngL.png

Once you have done this, you have the first piece of the white cross in place. Repeat this process with the other three pieces to solve the white cross on the cube.

This is how your Rubik's Cube should look.

Turn the cube over, and you will see a white cross when you start this step. Refer to the image.



Complete the first layer by placing the white corner pieces

In the third step, we focus on the corner pieces. The goal of this step is to place the white corner pieces up between the crosses from the previous step, thus forming the first layer of the Rubik's Cube.

To know where to place the corner pieces, look at the three centers around the corner you want to solve.

In this example, we are referring to the corner piece with the colors red, blue, and white. Place the corner below the spot where the piece should go up. This is done by rotating the bottom. This should result in one of the cases shown below.

To solve the three cases above, repeat (R' D' R D) until the corner is in place with white on top. The other two colors should match.



Special Cases

In cases where the corner you are solving is already on the top layer but not correctly oriented (i.e., twisted) as shown below, repeat the same moves (R' D' R D) until the corner is properly positioned (i.e., not twisted incorrectly).

Sometimes, a corner may be on the top layer but in the wrong corner position. (See image below)

To solve this: "perform the same steps as in the other cases (R' D' R D) to bring the corner down to the bottom, after which the corner can be solved as described earlier.

Repeat this step until all four corners are solved. You have now completed the first layer of the Rubik's Cube.



Complete the second layer of the Rubik's Cube

In this step, the goal is to place the correct edge pieces in the middle layer. After this step, you will have solved the first two layers of the Rubik's Cube.

Hold the cube with the white side facing down. Then, find an edge piece on the top layer that does not have a yellow sticker. In this example, we have found an edge piece with red and green colors.

Once you have found an edge piece without a yellow color, rotate the top layer to create an inverted "T" on one of the sides of the cube. In the image above, there is a red T, but it could also be blue, orange, or green. The side with the T should face you.

In this example, the edge needs to be moved to the right since the other color on the edge piece is green. To bring the edge piece down to the right in the middle layer, perform this algorithm:


After forming a T, you may encounter situations where the edge piece you are solving needs to be twisted to the left, as shown in the image above.

In this example, there is an edge piece with red and blue colors that needs to be placed on the left in the middle layer. To solve this situation, perform the algorithm we described earlier in the step but in a mirrored form. The algorithm would look like this:



Special Cases

If the edge piece is not found on the top layer of the cube, it will be located in the second layer. Even though the piece is in the second layer, it may not be correctly oriented but positioned as shown in the image below.

Scenario 1:

Edge piece in the right position but mirrored.

Scenario 2:

Edge piece in the wrong position in the middle layer.


To solve these two special situations, use the same algorithms described earlier in this step. First, rotate a yellow edge piece down to the middle layer so that the edge piece you want to solve is placed on top of the cube. Now, you can solve the edge piece as usual by rotating it down to the middle layer.



   Create a yellow cross on the top of the Rubik's Cube

In this step, the goal is to form a yellow cross on the top of the cube. This means that all four yellow edge pieces must be facing up with the yellow sticker, forming a cross together.

Once you have completed the second layer of the Rubik's Cube, you will encounter one of the four cases described below.

The first case is a yellow cross that is already formed (as shown above). If this is the case, you can skip this step. In the other three cases, you need to learn a small algorithm.




In these three cases, the algorithm F R U R' U' F'. (See the diagram of the algorithm below) These moves will transition the cube from one of the above situations to the next. By repeating the algorithm, you will eventually form a yellow cross on the top of the cube.

When performing the algorithm, hold the cube as shown in the image for each of the different situations.





Move the edge pieces to match the sides of Rubik's Cube.

Front face of Rubik's Cube after this step
1459525915906.png Back face of Rubik's Cube after this step             

Your goal in this step is to move the edge pieces so that the sides match as shown above.

Rotate the top layer so that only one edge piece matches the side of the cube. In this case, it is only the red one that matches. Hold the cube in a way that the matching edge piece is facing towards you.

Perform the algorithm R U R' U R U2 R'  (See the diagram of the algorithm below) and the three edge pieces will then rotate clockwise as described. You may need to do this more than once to move the edges and match all the sides.



Special cases

Two adjacent edge pieces match their side, but the two edge pieces at the back of the cube do not match. To solve this situation, rotate the top layer once so that only one edge piece matches its side. Now, the step can be solved as described above.

Two adjacent edge pieces match their side, but the two edge pieces on the left and right sides of the cube do not match. Perform the same algorithm described in this step (R U R' U R U2 R') and you will obtain the situation shown above. Follow the instructions for this case.



Move the corner pieces until they are correctly positioned.

In step seven, the corner pieces need to be rotated to be correctly positioned, but they may not necessarily be oriented correctly (i.e., twisted incorrectly).

First, check if any of the corners are already correctly positioned. In the example below, the corner piece with the colors red, green, and yellow is correctly positioned, while the rest of the corner pieces are positioned incorrectly. Hold the cube in a way that the correct corner piece is on the right side and facing towards you. Refer to the images below.

It is possible that all the corner pieces are already correctly positioned. In such cases, you can proceed to the final step.

Important: Do not freely rotate the top layer! The edge pieces we solved in the previous step should continue to match.

Now, we will rotate the three other incorrectly positioned corner pieces counterclockwise using the algorithm below.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to repeat the algorithm twice before all the corner pieces are correctly positioned.



Sometimes, you may find that none of the corner pieces are correctly positioned. In such cases, use the same algorithm shown in the step from any chosen side. The yellow side must be facing upwards, of course. After performing the algorithm, some corner pieces will be correctly positioned. You can now solve this part as described earlier in the step.



Rotate the corner pieces and solve the Rubik's Cube.

We have now reached the final step, where we will rotate any corner pieces that are not correctly positioned. After this step, you will have solved the Rubik's Cube!

Start by finding a corner that doesn't match all the sides and hold the cube in a way that the unsolved corner piece is on the right side and facing towards you.

Now, perform the algorithm R' D' R D (See image of the algorithm below). Keep repeating the algorithm until the corner matches all the sides. Without rotating the cube, twist the top layer so that another unsolved corner piece is facing to your right. Repeat the algorithm R' D' R D until the corner is solved. Repeat this process until all the corners are solved.

Important: Do not rotate the entire cube. That means the color facing towards you should remain the same throughout the step. The bottom layer will get mixed up as you twist the corner pieces, but if done correctly, the bottom layer will solve itself and return to its original state once all the corners are solved.





Congratulations! You have now solved the Rubik's Cube.

97% of the world's population is unable to solve the Rubik's Cube.

You are now part of the 3% of the world's population who can!



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